Tag D

Mary Helen Davidson

Nursing aboard a ship

Leonard Doody

Leonard Doody’s heroic act in Villers Bretonneux earned him a distinguished conduct medal.

Herbert Doody

The Doody family made a great contribution for Australia in World War One by sending three sons to serve in the war; Herbert, John (Jack) and Walter. Unfortunately, only Herbert and John returned.

Robert James Dobbie

Robert James Dobbie enlisted in 1918, but the Armistice Peace treaty was signed before he ever saw action.

Walter Doody

After being gassed, Walter was reported missing. His brother Ernest and sister Bertha had sought further information regarding his whereabouts and fate.

Thomas Dullard

Honour roll location: Pillar 5B

James Wesley Dredge

Honour roll location: Pillar 5B

Henry Doody

Honour roll location: Pillar 5B

John Wilfred Doody

Honour roll location: Pillar 5B

John Dolman

Honour roll location: Pillar 5B

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