Tag 6C

David Mullen

A daring pioneer in ‘wretched conditions’. David Mullen was 20 years young when he embarked for war. Just 18 short months later this youthful man was tragically killed.

Edward Kerr

Every day, every step was a constant reminder of the atrocity.

Along with all returned servicemen the scars of war were not always physically obvious. Eddie was reminded of his sacrifice every time he took a single step during the next fifty years of his life.

Kenneth Laird

When Kenneth Laird enlisted he was 26 and newly married to Mary Laird. Prior to enlisting, he was a farmer at Calivil who was well-known as a talented footballer for the Calivil Football Club and a long-distance runner. He was the fourth son of Donald and Isabell. His late father, Donald Craig Laird had been an East Loddon Shire councillor.

Hugh James Mullen

Hugh was the first Australian in WWI to die on British soil.

David Ernest Kentish

“He was one of the finest specimens of young Australian manhood, and a great favourite”

Richard Lethlean

Honour roll location: Pillar 6C

Ernest Benjamin Leaman

Honour roll location: Pillar 6C

Frederick Pascoe Lawry

Honour roll location: Pillar 6C Resources: ‘A patriotic family‘, Bendigonian, 8th March 1917, p. 2

David Henry Larkin

Honour roll location: Pillar 6C

Edward Lancelot Larcombe

Honour roll location: Pillar 6C

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