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Denis Daniel Hardiman

Denny was a butcher and a footy player from Mitiamo. He took part in heavy fighting- he even had his horse shot out from under him.

Winifred Garden

Winifred Garden cared for British, French and Canadian soldiers in Salonika, Greece and perhaps some Bulgarian prisoners of war.

Charles Frederick Gladman

Charlie Gladman rose through the ranks to lead his men through some of the harshest battle conditions in World War One. He recorded his experiences in a diary until ultimately, he was a victim of German firepower.

Joseph Moore Stuart

Joseph Moore Stuart was ill many times while on active duty. He returned home and sadly passed away the same year he was married.

Arroll Leslie Garnet Smith

Arroll Smith was a farmer and the youngest of five children. He worked as a trainer in England, preparing horses for war.

William Keith Anderson

Honour roll location: Pillar 4A Working in Janiember East William Keith Anderson was a labourer prior to the war, working for Messrs John White and Sons in Janiember East. He was originally from Balranald but had worked on sheep stations… Continue Reading →

William Eric Featherstone

William Featherstone showed signs of heroism as a teenager, saving two of his friends from drowning. He went on to serve on the Western Front, earning himself the rank of Corporal.

Charles William Cable

After moving from Mitiamo, Charles was a selector near Goondiwindi, Queensland. He went from selector to stretcher bearer. Sadly, he died from wounds in Rouen, France in December 1916.

David Mullen

A daring pioneer in ‘wretched conditions’. David Mullen was 20 years young when he embarked for war. Just 18 short months later this youthful man was tragically killed.

George Mossop

Always a smile, even in ice, mud and slush. Optimistic George wrote home after seeing amazing Stonehenge and said “There is some beautiful scenery in old England,  but still Sunny Australia will do for me.”

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